Diploma Course Descriptions
Courses Specializing in Professional Counselling
Click on the course title for a detailed description
- Abuse, Trauma, and Domestic Violence
- Addictions and Recovery
- Introduction to Applied Psychology and Ethics
- Application of Personality Theories
- Psychology of Grief
- Introduction to Couples Counselling
- Collaborative Youth and Family Counselling
- Conflict, Suicide and Emergency Interventions
- Assessment of Psychological Disorders
- Introduction to Group Dynamics and Workshop Design
- Milestones in Psycho-Social Development
- Treatments for Depression and Anxiety
- Applied Counselling Skills I Case Management, Assessment and Listening Skills
- Applied Counselling Skills II Case Management, Goals and Interventions
- Applied Counselling Skills III Integrative Approach
- Final elective course or project relevant to career direction
- Volunteer requirement, 15 hours per month average for duration of the program.
Courses Specializing in Addiction Counselling
Click on the course title for a detailed description
- Introduction to Applied Psychology and Ethics
- Addictions and Recovery
- Multi-Cultural Competence
- Introduction to Clinical Psychopharmacology
- Comprehensive Treatment of Addictions (CTA I&II -600)
- Assessment of Psychological Disorders
- Applied Counselling Skills (ACS I-400)
- Applied Counselling Skills (ACS II-400)
- Application of Personality Theories
- Abuse, Trauma, and Domestic Violence
- Conflict, Suicide and Emergency Interventions
- Group Dynamics and Workshop Design
- Treatments for Depression and Anxiety Disorders
- Introduction to Couples’ Counselling
- Milestones in Psychosocial Development
- Volunteer requirement, 15 hours per month average for duration of the program.
Courses Specializing in Counselling Therapy
Click on the course title for a detailed description
- Addictions and Recovery
- Abuse, Trauma, and Domestic Violence
- Introduction to Applied Psychology and Ethics
- Introduction to Couples Counselling
- Application of Personality Theories
- Multi-Cultural Counselling
- Introduction to Clinical Psychopharmacology
- Conflict, Suicide and Emergency Interventions
- Assessment of Psychological Disorders
- Milestones in Psycho-Social Development
- Treatments for Depression and Anxiety
- Applied Counselling Skills I Case Management, Assessment and Listening Skills
- Applied Counselling Skills II Case Management, Goals and Interventions
- Applied Counselling Skills III Integrative Approach
- Challenges of Clinical Practice, I
- Challenges of Clinical Practice, II
- Volunteer requirement, 15 hours per month average for duration of the program.
Courses Specializing in Psychotherapy
Click on the course title for a detailed description
- Introduction to Applied Psychology and Ethics
- Multi-Cultural Competence
- Youth and Family Counselling
- Assessment of Psychological Disorders
- Conflict, Suicide and Emergency Interventions
- Milestones in Psycho-Social Development
- Applied Counselling Skills I Assessment and Listening Skills
- Applied Counselling Skills II Case Management, Goals and Interventions
- Advanced Couples Therapy I
- Advanced Couples Therapy II
- Challenges of Clinical Practice, I
- Challenges of Clinical Practice,II
- Evidence-based Treatment and Psychopharmacology, I
- Evidence-based Treatment and Psychopharmacology, II
- Theory and Practice of Psychotherapy, I
- Theory and Practice of Psychotherapy, II
- Volunteer requirement, 15 hours per month average for duration of the program.